Surf Guitar 101 MP3 Compilation 2005 Volume 1
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Some songs are from professional bands while others are from amateurs. Some of the songs are "surfy" while others are more experimental. All of them showcase each member's creativity and talents.
The Surf Guitar 101 group is an email list dedicated to the discussion of all things relating to instrumental surf music and related genres. The group is mainly aimed at musicians, but anyone who enjoys instro-surf is welcome. For more information, visit
Track Listing:
01 The Reluctant Aquanauts - Kung Bao Surf
02 Chad Cote - The Island Speaks
03 The Vivisectors - Duane Stomp
04 The Bombers - Cucumber Lotion
05 Wannes Rombouts - Macho Muchacha
06 The Lava Rats - Homercles
07 David Pike (DP) - Bruce Lee
08 The Lunar Tikis - Ripped
09 Pozor Vlak - War Song
10 Shawn Martin - Hurricane Ashley
11 Danny Bartley - Go Go Gone
12 Nor Cal Hodad - Drink, Stomp, Twist
13 Marty Tippens - El Cumbanchero
14 The Detonators - Liquid Chaos
15 Longboard Ranch - Mr. Quench
16 The 'Verb - Wrath of the Mercenary
17 The Liabilities - There Goes That Dude
18 Aquasonics - The Infantile Surf
19 Bird of Terror - Chandelier Rock
20 The Knights - Penetration
21 George Brianka - Coney Island
22 The Sandudes - Scooby Chase
23 The Daytonas - Dare Devil
24 The Beloved Invaders - Kaikora
25 Urban Surf Kings - I'm Branded
26 Eric Hutchinson - Surfacing
27 Atomic Mosquitos - Beach Blanket Inferno
28 The Swamp Coolers - Hawaii 5-0
29 Casey Cash - Penetration
30 Tie Dyed Jellyfish - Misirlou
31 Forever Surf - Rockin' Crickets
32 Los Cobras - Watery Grave
33 Phil Tiki - Tiki Man
Front cover art by John Detrich.
Back cover art by Bruce Duncan of Longboard Ranch.
Subject: This is awesome!
So - listening on my laptop and seriously thinking about dusting off my MP3 player so I can snag each set and listen to some surfy goodness. Maybe even mess with the Bigsby vibrato on my guitar and a little reverb and maybe delay on my amp.
Surf compilation. Wow. Multiple annual compilations by the same folks. Even more wow.
Subject: Great sampler
Subject: good listenin'
I was also curious how I might check in with a particular artist to see if it was alright to use their song in a movie I'm making, but cannot find contact info...
Subject: under listening pleasure
I must say I m a geek for Surf, Exotica, Easy Listening nostalgic sounds and this compilation is sure to make you feel the flavour of the fifties americana surf scene.
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